/'salÉ’n/ noun
In eighteenth century France, Salons of Enlightenment flourished in private homes as a key institution for congregation and intellectual discourse grounded in principals of universality, openness and egalitarianism. These uninhibited communications enabled social groups, which had never before interacted, to share ideas on a range of topics; forming a community driven with the collective purpose to empower and facilitate positive revolutionary sentiment capable of evolving the common way of thinking (Denis Diderot, Encylopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des mètiers, 1751-65).
Derived from this great historical importance, the modern-day Salon reignites the greatest elements from the ‘age of conversation and exchange’ through developing innovative collaborations with academic, entrepreneurial, cultural and philanthropic partners courting “business and purpose” together through a series of high-level events and initiatives focused on thought leadership, impact and innovation.
Spirit of Salon